The CLEAR Model
Cultural Emphasizes the human purpose of what is being learned and its relationship to the students’ own culture. | |
Learning Encourages students to make choices in content and assessment methods based on their experiences, values, needs, and strengths. | |
Equitable Respectful learning environments in which students’ racial, social, linguistic, ethnic and cultural diversity is valued and contributes to the learning experience. | |
Achievement Includes multiple ways to represent knowledge and skills and allow for attainment of outcomes at different points in time. | |
Responsive Through positive relationships, vigorous learning experiences are created involving higher order thinking and critical analysis used to address relevant, real(ness) world issues in an action-oriented manner. |
The CLEAR Model
Intercultural Innovations Inc.
Welcome to The CLEAR Model, a Culturally Validating Pedagogy and Leadership (CVP/L) model.
Dr. Rev Hillstrom is one of this country’s foremost Indigenous scholars leading systemic change for educational excellence and equity. Through the pillars of The CLEAR Model (Culture, Learning, Equitable, Achievement and Responsive) he guides districts in generating the equity consciousness needed for conceptual, behavioral and structural transformation.
“Let’s put our minds together and see what life will make for our children.”
—Sitting Bull
Dr. Rev Hillstrom is the founder of Intercultural Innovations Inc. (I3), home of The CLEAR Model and The CLEAR Solutions Framework. He has served multiple large urban, suburban, and rural school districts across the country supporting systems as they work towards education excellence and equity. In addition, he promotes educational excellence and equity by serving with regional and national organizations including the National Urban Alliance (NUA) and the Minnesota Educational Equity Partnership (MnEEP).
- Vlog 26Vlog 26 “Where are we creating validating experiences within the three components of pedagogy?” “If we are ever going to make diversity work in this country, it is because those things are valued.”