4 R Equation

4R Equation

(R + R) x R = R







“The mere imparting of information is not education. ”
―Carter G. Woodson

The 4R Equation provides a mathematical approach to understanding the R in the CLEAR Model.  Application of the 4R Equation helps provide clarity about what cultural validation looks like in practice.

In addition, the 4R Equation tool helps provide a formula for how to become more pragmatic about being validating and how that can transform learning experiences into validating experiences full of vigor.


  • Relation to the matter at hand 
  • Practical and especially social applicability
  • Pertinence


  • Not artificial, fraudulent, or illusory:  genuine  
  • Being precisely what the name implies
  • Occurring or existing in actuality
  • Relating to practical or everyday concerns or activities (e.g. left school to live in the real world)


  • The state of being related or interrelated
  • The relation connecting or binding participants in a relationship


  • Harsh inflexibility in opinion, temper, or judgment:  severity
  • The quality of being unyielding or inflexible:  strictness
  • Severity of life:  an act or instance of strictness, severity, or cruelty
  • A condition that makes life difficult, challenging, or uncomfortable


  • Active bodily or mental strength or force
  • Active healthy well-balanced growth
  • Intensity of action or effect:  force


Responsive Decision Making Matrix