Fresno August 2024 Sessions: An Overview
I3 is committed to designing and providing Culturally Validating Pedagogy and Leadership professional development for district stakeholders, including district leadership, principals, teachers, paraprofessional staff, and instructional coaches. These unique trainings will increase understanding of individual, institutional, and structural oppression and how all levels of discrimination contribute to educational disparities and early literacy obtainment of each student.
The Sessions
I3 Let’s Get CLEAR About Education Keynote – Rev Hillstrom
This presentation will support educators across the Sunnyside Region to better understand how to work towards a deeper systemic commitment towards Culturally Validating Pedagogy and Leadership (CVP/L). We use best practices and systems to ensure the early literacy needs of current students are met within the Fresno Unified School District.
CLEAR Model / Lesson Planning
Dennis Draughn / Shana KwatamporaCLEAR lesson plans are foundational to supporting early literacy development. This offering will provide an overview of the CLEAR Model, the five basic building blocks of Culturally Validating Pedagogy and Leadership (CVP/L), and how to effectively incorporate them into lesson planning.
Culture – Emphasizes the human purpose of what is being learned and its relationship to the student’s own culture.
Learning – Encourages students to choose content and assessment methods based on their experiences, values, needs, and strengths.
Equitable – Respectful learning environments in which students’ racial, social, linguistic, ethnic, and cultural diversity is valued and contributes to the learning experience.
Achievement – Includes multiple ways to represent knowledge and skills and allow for the attainment of outcomes at different points in time.
Responsive – Through positive relationships, rigorous learning experiences are created involving higher-order thinking and critical analysis used to address relevant, real(ness) world issues in an action-oriented manner.
These building blocks outline the quintessential components that must be present within a CLEAR Lesson Plan in Environment, Instruction, and Content (three components of pedagogy) to ensure equitable learning structures are in place that support student-centered educational experiences at the foundation of early literacy development.
- PDF of the Presentation
- PDF Handout of Culture Tree
- PDF Handout CLEAR Model with Definitions
- PDF Handout of CLEAR Lesson Planning
IMPACT – CLEAR Walk Through
Jason Knighton-Johnson / William (Bill) KundigThis offering will introduce the overarching theme of Individuals Making Positive Academic Change Together (I.M.P.A.C.T.) and provide the CLEAR Walkthrough to help individuals. Systems identify areas of change in pedagogy (environment, instruction, and content).
I.M.P.A.C.T. is designed to help individuals and systems envision the journey toward educational excellence and equity that they are on. In essence, I.M.P.A.C.T. outlines key components starting with the individual and ending as a collective. Together, the group intentionally makes something new that requires change that will have a Positive Academic Change for each student.
The CLEAR Walkthrough provides an approach to understanding the CLEAR Model. Application of the CLEAR Model helps clarify what validation looks like in practice. In addition, the CLEAR Walkthrough helps provide an approach for becoming more pragmatic about Culturally Validating others and how that can transform early literacy learning experiences into experiences full of vigor.
The Capacity Equation and 3Cs of Change
Nan Yurecko / Maureen ArayaThrough an early literacy lens, this session introduces Dr. Rev Hillstrom’s Capacity Equation and the 3Cs of Change, foundational tools in Culturally Validating Pedagogy and Leadership (CVP/L). Both are used for assessment and work together to support sustainable change. The Capacity Equation allows for formative and summative assessments that provide a roadmap for building the capacity of educators, learners, and school systems. Grounded in the work of Dr. Geneva Gay and Dr. Yvette Jackson, The Capacity Equation is a practical tool that allows for differentiation to support overall capacity building while elevating teaching as a process of drawing out what capacity is already present. The purpose is to guide learners through the development of their own inherent will to apply knowledge and skills. The 3Cs of Change help identify consciousness, conviction, and commitment, which individuals and systems need to determine where they are in the journey and where they want to go.
Frame of Reference in CLEAR Differentiation
Dr. Rev PM Crowley Hillstrom / Jason Eldridge / Angie PeñaThe Frame of Reference tool is not exclusive to I3. Dr. David Hyerle, Dr. Yvette Jackson, and Dr. Eric Buffalohead have inspired our application. The I3 application of the tool is uniquely used to explore personal identities and convictions in a Culturally Validating Pedagogy and Leadership (CVP/L) way. Through the Frame of Reference tool, individuals gain a deeper understanding of their own cultural identity while exploring their own strengths and allowing themselves a platform to expand their values, epistemology, and ontology to support Culturally Validating Pedagogy and Leadership through active differentiation.
Pedagogy of Confidence / Thinking Friends
Robert Seth Price / Regina SeabrookThis session will be a hands-on introduction to The Pedagogy of Confidence™ and Thinking.Friends™ support literacy development through critical thinkers in early childhood and throughout their education experience in PreK, elementary, and secondary grades. These frameworks are grounded in belief and belonging for all students and with the professional expertise of educators from early childhood to beyond. This session will introduce an understanding of actionable methods as an ‘appetizer’ for our collaboration in the upcoming school year. The Pedagogy of Confidence™ is grounded in Yvette Jackson’s approach with High Operational Practices (HOPs) to learning and teaching based on the fearless expectation that all students are capable of high intellectual performances from early childhood through elementary and secondary school. Thinking Friends, developed by David Hyerle, the creator of Thinking Maps™, are eight cognitive processes represented by eight farm animals having fun learning and figuring things out. Like Thinking Maps™, these were long ago identified as life-long skills that are the foundation for learning. Jean Piaget named these skills “mental operations” within us from birth and only improved through adulthood. Thinking Friends™ is a hands-on use of the cognitive processes in early childhood literacy development.
- PDF of the Presentation
- PDF of Handouts from the Session
- PDF of Thinking Friend Mini Stick Puppets
- Pedagogy of Confidence:
- Thinking Friends:
- Regina’s Website:
- Robert’s Website: