CLEAR Field Guide

I3 CLEAR Science of Reading Field Guide

Scroll Down for the Table of Contents

Reflections from Fresno Unified School District educators and leaders on the I3 collaboration during the 2024-25 school year.
List of the above and more Fresno educator and administrator reflections – December 2024

I3 Science of Reading Field Guide Table of Contents
I3 is committed to designing and providing Culturally Validating Pedagogy and Leadership professional development for Fresno Unified School District stakeholders, including district leadership, principals, teachers, paraprofessional staff, and instructional coaches. These unique trainings will increase understanding of individual, institutional, and structural oppression and how all levels of discrimination contribute to educational disparities and early literacy obtainment of each student.

I3 pedagogical practices support the Science of Reading which emphasizes evidence-based practices that have been proven to help students succeed. It moves away from outdated, inconsistent approaches and focuses on methodologies that address the needs of each student, including those with diverse needs and cultural backgrounds. This includes pedagogical practices supporting comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, phonics, phonemic awareness, and writing.

1.  Introduction to CVP/L 
(Culturally Validating Pedagogy and Leadership)

2.  Pedagogy of Confidence® – Dr. Yvette Jackson
High Operational Practices for High Intellectual Performance

3.  The I3 Scope and Sequence
The I3 Scope and Sequence with Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) provides an overview of the I3 approach for culturally validating pedagogy and leadership across the curriculum and whole school. The initial focus with TK/PreK/K/1st grades creates a grounding for each student’s success across all content and the whole learning experience. The documents:

4.  Methods and Strategies
Webpage links below include overview, how-to, video clips on many, downloadable PDF on the methods and strategies.


5.  Models and Support Structures

6.  B1-B6 On-Site Visit Documentation Prototype
One page PDF file with clickable demo videos, accompanying documents, and educator CLEAR development from each PLC team with the on-site collaboration with a CLEAR consultant.
Double tap on icons in the documents to open.

One Page PDF
November 2024

Click on the above interactive PDF file to use.

December 2024


10.  Kickoff Presentations, August 2024
Go to the Kickoff Presentations webpage to see the presentation descriptions and download a PDF of the presentation PowerPoints.

    • Keynote
    • CLEAR Model / Lesson Planning
    • CLEAR Walk Through
    • The Capacity Equation and the 3Cs of Change
    • Frame of Reference in CLEAR Differentiation
    • Pedagogy of Confidence

11.  Video Series of Yvette Jackson collaborating with Coaches and Principals in Sunnyside Region

Video 1, 12 minutes
Yvette Jackson:  Pedagogy of Confidence
The Art of Teaching and Student Engagement
Pedagogy is the art and science of teaching to lead each child with belief and engagement in the classroom.
Watch the video excerpt from the sessions with Fresno Principals and Coaches in November 2024.
PDF of Feuerstein’s Fundamental Principles Applied Through The Pedagogy Of Confidence® (p. 72)

Video 2, 8 minutes
Yvette Jackson:  Pedagogy of Confidence
Engaging Learning for HIP (High Intellectual Performance) and Self Actualization
Intelligence is the dynamic process that enables an individual to adapt in response to a need, novel situation and changes in the environment.
PDF of Mediation:  Accelerating Intellectual Development and Learning (Pedagogy of Confidence® pp. 59-61)

12.  Texts and Articles